H&V operates a global state of the art test facility—the Mark Hollingsworth Global Test Center— in Suzhou, China, as well as specific regional centers of excellence. Our expert technicians are capable of testing materials against global filtration and battery standards.
Filtration Testing Capabilities: Understanding how our media performs in your filter is important and helps you choose the appropriate material. We perform physical tests on the filter media, and elements incorporating the filter media.
- ASHRAE 52.2:2007: Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size
- EN779:2002 and EN779:2012: Determining filter performance for particle air filters for ambient room air conditioning
- EN1822-2010: Testing of flat sheet filter media for suspended particles
- DIN 71460-1: Air filters for truck cabins—Part 1: Test method for particle filtration
- ISO 4548-12: Test method for full-flow oil for combustion engines—Part 12—determination of efficiency by counting particles and dust holding capacity
- ISO 5011: Air filters for combustion engines and compressors
- ISO 16889: Hydraulic fluid power- Filters- Multi-pass method for evaluating filtration performance of a filter element
- ISO 19438: Diesel fuel and petrol filters for internal combustion engines—Filtration efficiency using particle counting and contaminant retention capacity
- SAE J1488: Emulsified Water/Fuel Separation Test Procedure
- VDI 3926-II: Tests for re-cleanable (reverse pulse) filters
Battery and Battery Separator Testing Capabilities: Understanding how our battery separator performs in your battery is important and helps you choose the appropriate material. We perform physical tests on the battery separator material, and cells incorporating the separator.
Battery Cell Testing: We test VRLA, flooded, alkaline primary, and lithium ion batteries up to 12V and 100A with high rate discharging up to 1000A. We follow the Electrical Test Procedures per VDA Lastenheft AGM, BCI, SAE, and IEC Protocols:
- Reserve Capacity Durability
- EN Cold Cranking Test
- SAE Cold Cranking Test
- SAE J537 Charge Acceptance Test
- EN Charge Acceptance Test
- Dynamic Charge Acceptance
- Battery Capacity Determination
- Over Discharge Protection Test
- Over Discharge Cycling Test
- Partial depth of Discharge Cycling
- Low Rate Partial State of Charge Cycling
- SAE J240 Cycle Life Testing
- SAE J2801 Cycle Life Testing
- Deep Cycle Life Testing
- Float Charge Determination
- Electrochemical Compatibility Test (ECC)
- Resistive Load Testing for Alkaline batteries
- Constant Current Testing for Alkaline batteries
- Photoflash Testing for Alkaline batteries
- Charge Storage Tests
Battery Separator Physical Testing: We perform the following physical evaluations on Absorptive Glass Mat (AGM) battery separator materials based on the Battery Council International (BCI) procedures unless otherwise noted by an asterisk (*):
- Grammage
- Thickness—10 kpa, 20 kpa, and JIS
- Density– (g/m2/mm)
- Tensile and Elongation
- Moisture Content
- Wicking
- Porosity
- Loss on Ignition (LOI)
- Pore Characteristics-First bubble method (max pore)
- Pore Characteristics-Liquid porosimetry using PMI porometry equipment
- Surface Area—Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analysis using nitrogen as the adsorptive gas
- Acid Weight loss
- Compressibility—Compression / Recovery testing
- Electrical Resistivity—Testing uses Palico electrical resistance equipment and bath similar to those used in flooded lead acid systems (BCI has not specified a test)
- Electrochemical Capability
- Extractable Metallic Impurities—Metallic impurities are evaluated by inductively coupled plasma (ICP). Results are reported as ppm / gram of separator
- Chlorides
- Total Carbon